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Added: 01-02-2025 in category: - author: Andrzej Stebelski
Vinyl Records for Winter 6
Today, another portion of vinyl records, vinyls released in Poland in the 70s and 80s. Singles, maxi-singles and albums by Polish and foreign artists, including artists such as Depeche Mode, ABBA, New Order, Andrzej Zaucha, Laboratorium and many, many more. Vintage #vinyle available in the store from today. #Vinyl_records for every music lover from classical to classical. From classic rock to progressive rock, funky, soul, pop or classical music available immediately in the PopMaster Records Shop in Słupsk at ul. Wileńska 39 C.H. Manhattan and on the website Vinyls purchased online are sent to all corners of the world. We invite you to the store #Vinyl_records_pop, #winyle #Vinyl_records #Vinyl_records_pop
Added: 04-12-2024 in category: - author: Andrzej Stebelski
Before the first Pink Floyd album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" from 1967 appeared, in that year 2 singles were released, "Arnold Layne" and "See Emily Play" which were not included on this and the next Pink Floyd album. It was not until 1971, on May 14, that the band's compilation "Relics" saw the light of day, where the above-mentioned works were included. The original singles from 1967 reach almost gigantic sums close to the value of the first pressing of "The Dark Side of the Moon"
Added: 28-10-2024 in category: - author: Andrzej Stebelski
Vinyl Records for Autumn 4.
Tonpress on 45 rpm.
Vinyl Records for Autumn 4.
Tonpress on 45 rpm.
Vinyl records are not only 30 cm diameter records with a few, sometimes a dozen or so songs. Vinyl records are also small 18 cm vinyls called singles and sometimes EPs
Before an album by an artist appears on the market, the record is usually promoted with a single containing two, or in the case of EPs, from two to six or eight songs.
It is not uncommon for some artists to release only one single and nothing else appears because it turned out that the song was not popular and there was no demand for the artist and the record company did not sign a contract for the album, or as it was with the Beatles, or rather with Paul McCartney, he recorded and pressed only one copy of the 7" record where he recorded his new composition at that time and sent the record with this song to Cilla Black.
This song was specially written for Cilla Black and Paul McCartney simply presented on the record how this song was to be interpreted.
Added: 18-10-2024 in category: - author: Andrzej Stebelski
Please send the petition to the following addresses;
[Your Name and Surname]
[Your Email] City, on [date]
Słupsk City Office
Plac Zwycięstwa 3 76-200 Słupsk
Dear Madam Krystyna Danilecka-Wojewódzka President of the City Słupsk
I kindly ask you to take action to protect and promote the vinyl record store located in Słupsk, which is an important element of the cultural heritage and a tourist attraction of the city of Słupsk. This store, offering a wide range of vinyl records, literature and music magazines, attracts both local music lovers and tourists from Poland and abroad, which has a positive impact on the image of the city and its local economy.
In the era of dominance of digital forms of music, places like this store have a special value as cultural spaces that maintain the tradition and passion for analogue music. There is a fear that due to various factors, such as rising rental costs or changing market structure, this store may be forced to close. This would be an irreparable loss not only for music fans, but also for the city itself, which would lose a valuable element of its identity.
I therefore ask you to consider the possibility of supporting this place by:
1. Introducing tax relief or discounts on rental for cultural activities of particular importance to the city.
2. Promoting the store in tourist materials and on the city's website, as one of the unique attractions of Słupsk.
3. Organizing music events in cooperation with the store, which could attract more tourists and local residents.
I believe that such actions can bring tangible benefits both to the city and its residents and tourists. A vinyl record store is not only a place of trade, but also an important element of our local culture, which is worth cultivating and supporting.
Thank you for your attention and I ask you to consider my application positively.
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